Field & Laboratory Services
R. M. Wester and Associates, Inc. offers a wide variety of field and laboratory services. We have our own radiological lab that lets us identify what isotopes are present. Whether the samples are from the environment, a room survey or a major decommission project; we are able to provide a turn-key approach.
How many wipe tests do I really need?
Generally, you need to take one wipe test that is representative of 100 square centimeters within each square meter of the area you are testing. However, different protocols and sampling plans may increase or decrease that amount. Let R. M. Wester and Associates assist in your determination.
Field & Lab Services
- Routine compliance surveys
- Decontamination and Decommissioning
- Environmental Sampling and Analyses
- Leak tests and analysis
- NORM/TENORM sampling, analysis and disposal
- Orphaned/Lost source identification and retrieval
- Isotopic identification